Welcome to our Church!
Minister for Govan Free Church
The Rev David MacPherson is the new minister of Govan Free Church. David along with wife Martha have recently returned from a period of mission work in Peru and he now ministers at Govan. We give thanks for an answer to prayer and trust that God will continue to bless his ministry.
What to Expect
Govan Free Church is a friendly congregation with a relaxed, family atmosphere. Visitors are made very welcome and there is opportunity after the service to chat with others over a cup of tea or coffee.
Our services usually last for around one hour and there is a children’s talk given every morning. The children leave for Sunday school half way through the service. We use the New International Version of the Bible and the main part of the service is taken up with explaining and applying the passage that has been read from the Bible. We sing psalms, hymns and modern worship songs.
Thursday we have a food bank in afternoon, a recovery group followed by a zoom prayer meeting in the evening. We pray for a number of topics that include local, national and international issues. These meetings are again very relaxed and are open to all.
Sharing the love of Christ with those in our community.
Come and join us: Sundays at 11am with tea/coffee served after the service.
Food bank is on Thursday 12:30 - 1:30pm
Recovery Group is on Thursday 2:00 - 4:00pm
Prayer meeting is on Zoom: Thursday at 7pm. Please contact us for login details.
‘My name is Robert and I became a Christian after being introduced to the church guys here in Govan. My background at the time was one of substance abuse. For 30 years I was addicted to street and prescription drugs, as well as alcohol and the buzz of housing scheme violence.
Prison was often my home. Today I am free from my addiction, and no longer in prison.
My recovery began when I understood that my addiction was not an illness, but a spiritual issue. Drugs simply filled a void, masked my pain, and dulled me to reality.
Christ now satisfies that longing, addresses my pain and gives me courage to face reality. This church has been central to my conversion and spiritual growth, and I can not imagine life without this my spiritual family’.
Since recording this testimony Robert was called home to be with the Lord. All over Glasgow people mourned the loss of someone who in the space of 4 years as a Christian touched the hearts of so many.